Causer Issues Statement on Latest Service Reduction at BRMC

December 11, 2024

HARRISBURG – With psychiatric services at Bradford Regional Medical Center (BRMC) set to shut down as of Sunday, Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) issued the following statement.

“Many people have reached out to me concerning the further reduction of services at Bradford Regional Medical Center. Rest assured I share these concerns.

“I want to, first and foremost, commend the dedicated health care professionals at BRMC for the excellent care they provide to our community. These professionals are valued and appreciated.

“The decision to reduce services is being made by corporate executives at Kaleida Health in Buffalo, NY. These executives don’t know anything about our community, have never taken the time or effort to learn about the health care needs of our region, and have demonstrated repeatedly their failure to even communicate with community leaders regarding the needs of those they serve in rural Pennsylvania. Kaleida Health needs to invest in the health care needs of the community or sell BRMC to another health care system that will focus on providing the care our residents need and deserve.

“In the meantime, to ensure Kaleida Health is complying with all Pennsylvania health care regulations and assurances made when BRMC was legally merged with Olean General Hospital, I have asked the PA secretary of Health and the Pennsylvania attorney general to formally investigate this matter. As a strong advocate for rural health care, I will continue fighting for access to quality health care for our region.”

Letters to the Secretary of Health Debra Bogen and Attorney General Michelle Henry are attached.

Representative Martin T. Causer
67th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia A. Hippler
717.772.9846 /

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