Government Done Right: House Republican Leaders, Committee Chairs Detail Success in Regulatory Reform Efforts
September 21, 2022
HARRISBURG – House Republican leaders and committee chairs Wednesday held a press conference detailing a session of successful regulatory reform and elimination efforts as the caucus endeavored to ensure government is done right.
That work continued over the last two weeks with a number of standing committees approving letters to trigger an expedited review by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission to determine whether regulations that have been on the books for three or more years continue to be in the public interest.
“One of the things I am most proud of the House Republican Caucus in leading on over the course of this legislative session has been our effort to successfully limit the size and scope of government,” said Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin). “We are truly taking power back for the people and getting government out of the way to provide predictability, consistency and growth.”
House Majority Policy Committee Chairman Marty Causer (R-McKean/Cameron/Potter) noted the work of the Policy Committee in prioritizing right-sizing government as a means to encourage growth and investment in Pennsylvania.
“During a series of hearings over the summer about inflation, we heard a lot about the role regulations are playing in driving up costs for job creators and consumers alike, and we recently reviewed a report with the Mercatus Center outlining how regulations increase the state’s poverty rates,” said Causer. “That’s why the recent work of our standing committees to review regulations on the book is so important.”
House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee Chairman Gary Day (R-Berks/Lehigh), whose committee approved a letter last week, noted his committee’s area of oversight was ripe for new regulatory review.
“I am honored that our committee participated in this initiative. One thing the pandemic made clear in the aging and older adult care space is this: we need better access to the many services that seniors in PA receive,” he said. “As we age, the roles of the Departments of Health, Human Services, and Aging can often be confusing for consumers. If there is a chance that some of this red tape can be removed to make aging services more accessible, I am proud to be a part of it.”
House State Government Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-York), who helped spearhead the committee-level regulatory review effort, explained that right-sizing government should be an ongoing initiative.
“Going forward, it is my hope we continue this deep dive into regulations impacting nearly every citizen of Pennsylvania so the effectiveness and merit of each regulation can be determined. Should it be discovered a regulation is unnecessary, then it surely ought to be stricken from the books,” Grove said. “This would greatly decrease government interference in the lives of its citizens and businesses.”
Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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