Causer Applauds Infrastructure Funding for Eldred, Hazel Hurst
July 20, 2022
HARRISBURG – Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) today applauded more than $15.7 million in grants and loans to support drinking water and wastewater system improvements in two McKean County communities.
At its meeting Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) approved a $927,788 grant and $25,647 low-interest loan for Hazel Hurst Water Company and a $14.1 million grant and $634,347 low-interest loan to the borough of Eldred.
“These investments are vital to upgrading aging infrastructure and ensuring a safe water supply for the residents of these communities,” Causer said. “The funding will help minimize the cost burden to consumers for these necessary updates.”
The funding for Hazel Hurst Water Company will be used to construct a new well and water treatment building. New transmission waterlines will be installed from the treatment building to tie into the existing waterlines that feed the current water storage tank. The existing waterlines and storage tank will be drained and disinfected, and automatic controls and a backup generator will be installed at the treatment facility. The system serves 56 residential customers in Hamlin Township.
The funding for Eldred will be used to construct a new wastewater treatment facility. It will include a pump station, headworks, aerobic digesters, ultraviolet disinfection, effluent aeration and reed beds. The existing system serves 353 residential customers in Eldred Borough and Eldred Township.
Since its inception in 1988, PENNVEST has served communities and citizens by funding sewer, storm water and drinking water projects across the Commonwealth.
Representative Martin T. Causer
House Majority Policy Committee Chairman
67th District, Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Patricia A. Hippler
717.772.9846 /
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