Policy Committee Hearing on Inflation to Focus on Impact on Working People, Families

June 10, 2022

WHAT:    The House Majority Policy Committee will hold the third of four planned hearings about inflation, this time focusing on its impact on working people and their families. 

WHO:    Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter), chairman, and members of the committee. The lawmakers will hear from the following panels of testifiers:

Rapidly Rising Cost of Essential Goods
Daren Bakst, senior research fellow, The Heritage Foundation
Kyle Kotzmoyer, director of State Government Affairs, Pennsylvania Farm Bureau
Rebecca Oyler, president and CEO, Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association

Unaffordable Energy and Utility Prices
David Callahan, president, Marcellus Shale Coalition
Stephanie Catarino Wissman, executive director, American Petroleum Institute Pennsylvania
Terrance J. Fitzpatrick, president and CEO, Energy Association of Pennsylvania

WHEN:    Tuesday, June 14, at 9 a.m.

WHERE:    House Majority Caucus Room, Room 140 Main Capitol, Harrisburg

LIVE WEBSTREAMING:    Barring technical difficulties, the hearing will be streamed live at PAHouseGOP.com and PAGOPPolicy.com

Media contact:    Patricia Hippler, 717.772.9846, phippler@pahousegop.com


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