Causer to Hold Satellite Office Hours

November 29, 2018

BRADFORD – State Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint) or one of his representatives will hold office hours on Thursday, Dec. 6, at the following locations:

• Emporium Borough Office – 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
• Port Allegany Borough Office – 11 a.m. to noon.

Services available include assisting constituents with state-related issues or concerns, assistance with driver license and vehicle registration applications, and help in filling out applications for various state programs, such as the senior citizen Property Tax/Rent Rebate and PACE prescription drug assistance programs.

People who cannot make the satellite sessions may contact Causer’s offices in Bradford at 78 Main St., first floor, telephone 814-362-4400; or Coudersport, 107 S. Main St., Room 1, telephone 814-274-9769; or Kane, 55 Fraley St., telephone 814-837-0880. Information is also available at or on Facebook at

Representative Martin T. Causer
67th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia A. Hippler
717.772.9846 /

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